Financial06 DECEMBER 2006 - h 16:36Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena Shareholders' Meeting The Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena shareholders' meeting decided to extend appointment of the KPMG firm for independent auditing of BMPS statutory and consolidated year-end accounts for the 3-year pe…
Financial09 NOVEMBER 2006 - h 23:593Q06 RESULTS The Board of Directors of Banca MPS has approved today the Group results at 30 September 2006. MPS Group: results of the first nine months 2006 Net profit of Euro 687.5 million ( 19.8%) St…
Financial12 OCTOBER 2006 - h 16:44Extension of accompanying agreement between BMPS and Holmo Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA and Holmo SpA, as regards the accompanying agreement due to expire on October 15th 2006, advise that the said agreement will be extended until April 15th 2007.
Financial29 SEPTEMBER 2006 - h 23:59F.R.E.S.H. bond conversion With reference to the F.R.E.S.H. convertible bonds issue (Floating Rate Equity linked Subordinated Hybrid Preferred Securities), as per the shareholders` resolution passed on January 15th 2004, it is …
Financial07 SEPTEMBER 2006 - h 23:59Net Profit of 480 Million Euro ( 28.9%) Strong growth of results of ordinary business underpinned by tight control of operating costs and good commercial flows. Growth of main revenue components Net interest income 4% Rev…
Financial11 JULY 2006 - h 00:00Parmalat interest sold As part of the process of streamlining minority investments, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena sold its interest in Parmalat S.p.A. (9,102,249 shares) on the blocks market today. The stake in Parmalat h…
Financial27 JUNE 2006 - h 23:59MPS Group: 2006-2009 business plan approved Net profit in the range of 1.4E to 1.5 billion Cost-to-income ratio at 51.2% (-13.6%) Tier I ratio at 7.5% and ROE at 18.1% Payout ratio: 65% (but with the potential to increase significan…
Financial25 MAY 2006 - h 23:59Emilio Tonini leaves after three years of results culminating in the 2005 record Antonio Vigni is the new General Manager of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena. The Board of Directors decided his appointment today, expressing its gratitude to Emilio Tonini who, after having held many…
Financial18 MAY 2006 - h 00:00New subordinate bond issues Banca Monte dei paschi S.p.A. Dual-tranche Upper Tier II Notes Total nominal amount of EUR 750 million and GBP 200 million. The notes have a bullet maturity of 10 years subject to Bankit`s "nulla osta" Successfully priced …
Financial15 MAY 2006 - h 23:59MPS Group: Results for the first quarter of 2006 - Net profit 278E million ( 70.1%) Net profit Euro 278 million ( 70.1%) Strong growth in profit from ordinary operations, thanks to controlled operating costs and a steady rise in commercial revenues.