Sustainability Governance
The Montepaschi Group’s sustainability governance has evolved over time in line with the development of a sustainable model aimed at gradually integrating sustainability into corporate strategies, not only in terms of creating economic value but also in terms of human, social, relational and environmental capital.
This transformation has involved both the top corporate bodies as well as the management structures.
The Board of Directors approves the Group’s global sustainability strategy.
The Risk and Sustainability Committee supports the BoD in its oversight of sustainability issues and ESG risk management policies, not least with a view to contributing to the development and implementation of a sustainable business model.
A specific ESG and Sustainability Session of the Executive Committee, chaired by the CEO and consisting of the first-level managers from all the corporate functions, provides strategic and cross -functional guidance to support the consistent and effective implementation of all the Group’s ESG initiatives.
The CFO Division is responsible for encouraging the integration of sustainability into the company’s business decisions, supervising sustainability policies within the Group and reporting on the policies implemented as well as the results achieved.
The Sustainability and ESG Staff Unit, which reports directly to the CFO Division, proposes the sustainability objectives and assesses the coherence of the Group’s ESG-related projects. It also draws up the Non-Financial Statement and ensures the coordination and implementation of the UNEP-FI Principles for Responsible Banking as well as the preparation of the related reports. The Staff Unit is supported by and collaborates with the permanent Sustainability Work Group consisting of Representatives from across all the Corporate Divisions.