Organisational Model
From the organisational standpoint, the Montepaschi Group is an integrated, multi-market financial, credit and insurance institution with a structure that is based on four pillars:
- a central structure of managerial and operational coordination represented by the Parent Company, which also carries out operational activities on behalf of the commercial network;
- a production structure, made up of the product companies, dedicated to the development of specialised financial instruments to be offered to the market;
- a distribution structure,made up of the business units of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Banca Widiba, with a network of financial advisors;

The Montepaschi Group is also present in a number of non-banking business areas with the aim of taking a direct part in areas of economic activity marked by great potential.
The Parent Bank
The business, governance and support functions are directly overseen by the Chief Executive Officer, with stronger specialisation of the Divisions dedicated to the individual business segments.
The Parent Company consists of the following structures:
- Deputy Commercial General Manager, Chief Commercial Officer Retail and Chief Commercial Officer Corporate and Private
- Chief Commercial Officier Large Corporate & Investment Banking
- Chief Lending Officer
- Chief Safety Officer
- Group General Counsel
- Chief Audit Executive
- Chief Risk Officer
- Chief Compliance Executive
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Chief Human Capital Officer

Business Units
The Business Units exercise commercial and lending activities, focusing on the distribution of Group products and services, maintaining a strong local presence and supervising the management of customers in their areas of reference.
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Chairman: Nicola Maione. Chief Executive Officer: Luigi Lovaglio.
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which leads the Monepaschi Group, also operates through its subsidiaries in the various segments of banking and finance, from traditional banking activities to special-purpose loans, asset management, insurance and investment banking. With more than 16,800 employees and around 1,350 branches, the bank has a strong retail focus and is present across Italy and in the major foreign markets. The bank has been listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999.
Chairman: Michele Costabile. General Manager: Marco Marazia.
Widiba (Wise-Dialog-Bank) is the Group’s direct bank, offering a comprehensive and customisable online platform to over 600 personal advisors throughout Italy. Widiba manages a full range of savings and investment products and services on a daily basis. Moreover, it offers a totally paperless customer experience and enjoys a satisfaction rating of 4.8/5, based on more than 500,000 reviews.
Its relationship model is rooted in the expertise of its network of advisors, awarded the PF Awards in 2018. The network uses Robo 4 Advisor systems to help clients make an informed choice when defining their objectives and the most appropriate means of achieving same.
Product Companies
The Product Companies focus on the Group’s entire production and management of specialised banking products distributed through the Business Units.
Monte Paschi Fiduciaria S.p.A.
Chairman: Federico Vitto. General Manager: Giancarlo Barbieri.
Licensed to provide trust services under Law no. 1966 of 23 November 1939, Monte Paschi Fiduciaria has been traditionally aimed at meeting the needs of individuals and legal entities wishing to have their assets managed with the utmost confidentiality. Monte Paschi Fiduciaria may take on the custody of assets in its capacity as a trustee and act as a protector in trusts.