
The Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena shareholders' meeting decided to extend appointment of the KPMG firm for independent auditing of BMPS statutory and consolidated year-end accounts for the 3-year period 2008-2010 and its appointment for limited auditing of half-year reports for the period 2008-2010 (June 30th 2008, 2009, and 2010).

The shareholders' meeting also decided to proceed, for a maximum period of 18 (eighteen) months after the date of the shareholders' meeting, observing current trading practices in the equity market and exclusively on the market managed by Borsa Italiana SpA, to purchase on the market of the company's own shares, up to a maximum limit of 7,000,000 ordinary shares, to implement for BMPS employees (both directly managed banking and tax-collection employees) the stockgranting plan relating to a portion of the company bonus for FY2005, at a minimum price not more than 30% lower and a maximum price of not more than 10% higher than the stock's official posted price at the stock market trading session prior to each purchase transaction.

Against these purchases the Bank will commit available reserves for an amount corresponding to the purchases completed.Lastly, in the extraordinary part of the meeting, shareholders approved the project for merger by incorporation of SpA and MPS Professional SpA - companies in which BMPS SpA already owns all subscribed and paid-in capital - in BMPS SpA.


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