Paola De Martini

Director pursuant to the combined provisions of the By-Laws, Ministerial Decree 169/2020, Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance) and the Corporate Governance Code
Paola De Martini has been an independent Director of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. since May 2020 and currently serves as a member of the Appointments Committee and the 231/2001 Supervisory Body.
She was appointed Lead Independent Director of the Bank on 12 December 2024.
She previously served as Chairperson of the Related-Party Transactions Committee.
She holds a Law degree from the University of Genoa, a PhD in Finance Science from the University of Genoa and a Master’s in International Business Transactions from the London School of Economics.
She worked as a lawyer at Uckmar Law Firm for 10 years, served as General Counsel for the Grimaldi Group for 6 years, and was Vice President of Corporate Governance and Tax at Luxottica for 10 years. She was also the M&A Vice President and a member of the Sustainability Council at STMicroelectronics as well as the M&A and Tax Vice President and a member of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee at Coca-Cola European Partners.
She has held other positions, including independent director and member of the Remuneration, Related Parties and Risk Board Committees in various companies across the banking, telecommunications, high-tech, energy and luxury sectors. These include Banca Popolare di Milano BPM, Tiscali S.p.A., Renergetica S.p.A., Octo Telematics Italia S.r.l., STMicroelectronics Research and Development, Luxottica Leasing S.r.l. and Sunglass Direct Italy S.r.l.. Through these roles she has gained extensive experience in corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, international taxation, IT and ESG. She also earned a Diploma in Climate Change through a programme organised by Chapter Zero in collaboration with the NED Community. She was awarded the Bellisario Prize for Best Female Manager.
Currently, Ms. De Martini is also an Auditor on the Board of Statutory Auditors of Sol S.p.A., an Independent Director of Growens S.p.A. and Chairperson of the Scientific Committee of the International Arbitration Chamber of Rome.