Press release
The Board revocates the convocation of the ordinary shareholders' meeting of april 6, 2020
Siena, 12 March 2020 – Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (hereinafter the "Bank") announces that the Board of Directors, which urgently met today, following the escalation of the epidemiological emergency COVID-19 which culminated in the Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers issued on 11 March 2020, resolved to revoke the call of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting for April 6, 2020, in a single call.
The Shareholders' Meeting will be reconvened, in compliance with the terms and in accordance with the law. The Reports for Shareholders filed up to now on the Bank's website are also valid for the next Shareholders' Meeting. Once the new meeting has been convened, for the shareholders who have already filed, the lists of candidates for the appointment of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors must be re-presented, as well as lists by the other shareholders having the necessary requirements, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the law and the company bylaws.
In the meantime, the draft of Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements together with the relative Reports, as well as the Non-Financial Statement and the Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structures, will be published according to terms and methods defined by the law.