Press release
Chairperson Maria Patrizia Grieco
Deputy Chairpersons Francesca Bettìo and Rita Laura D’Ecclesia
Luca Bader, Alessandra Giuseppina Barzaghi, Marco Bassilichi, Guido Bastianini, Francesco Bochicchio, Rosella Castellano, Olga Cuccurullo, Paola De Martini, Raffaele Di Raimo, Roberto Rao join the Board of Directors; Nicola Maione and Marco Giorgino confirmed as members of the Board
Chairperson of the Board of Statutory Auditors Enrico Ciai,
Statutory Auditors Luigi Soprano and Alessia Bastiani
Siena, 18 May 2020 – The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena (the “Bank”) was held today in Siena.
The Shareholders’ Meeting approved the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2019, with a loss of Euro 1,174,539,220. The loss has been carried forward. The consolidated financial statement of Gruppo Montepaschi closed with a loss of Euro 1,033,142,114.
The Shareholders’ meeting also resolved to reject the 2 liability actions promoted by the shareholder Bluebell Partners against some Directors and former Directors of the Bank with 99.999% of the votes.
Shareholders’ meeting approved the Report on the policy regarding remuneration and fees paid pursuant to art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree n. 58 of 24 February 1998 (“TUF”), the “performance shares” plan for the payment of severance to Montepaschi Group’s personnel, pursuant to art. 114-bis and 125 ter of TUF, as well as the authorisation for disposal of own shares pursuant to art. art. 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code.
The Shareholders’ Meeting set the number of members of the Board of Directors at 15 and elected 2 Deputy Chairpersons. It also resolved to appoint the following members to the Board of Directors for financial years 2020, 2021 and 2022:
- from List no. 1 submitted by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance - holding a share capital of the Bank equal to 68.247% - which obtained the majority of votes with 94.478% of the votes:
- Maria Patrizia Grieco (*)
- Guido Bastianini (*)
- Francesca Bettìo (*)
- Rita Laura D’Ecclesia (*)
- Nicola Maione (*)
- Raffaele Di Raimo (*)
- Marco Bassilichi (*)
- Rosella Castellano (*)
- Luca Bader (*)
- Francesco Bochicchio (*)
- Olga Cuccurullo
- Roberto Rao (*)
From (the minority) List no. 2 submitted by the shareholders Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A.; Eurizon Capital SGR S.p.A. as fund manager of: Eurizon Progetto Italia 20, Eurizon PIR Italia 30, Eurizon Progetto Italia 70, Eurizon PIR Italia Azioni, Eurizon Azioni PMI Italia, Eurizon Progetto Italia 40; Eurizon Capital S.A. as fund manager of: Eurizon Fund comparto Italian Equity Opportunities; Generali Italia S.p.A.; Genertellife S.p.A., holding a total of 2.40117% of the share capital of the Bank:
- Marco Giorgino (*)
- Alessandra Giuseppina Barzaghi (*)
- Paola De Martini (*)
Maria Patrizia Grieco was appointed as Chairperson of the Board of Directors, while Francesca Bettìo and Rita Laura D’Ecclesia were appointed as Deputy Chairpersons.
The following nominees were elected as standing members of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the financial years 2020, 2021 and 2022: Enrico Ciai (Chairperson) taken from List no. 2 submitted by Eurizon Progetto Italia 20, Eurizon PIR Italia 30, Eurizon Progetto Italia 70, Eurizon PIR Italia Azioni, Eurizon Azioni PMI Italia, Eurizon Progetto Italia 40; Eurizon Capital S.A. as fund manager of: Eurizon Fund comparto Italian Equity Opportunities; Generali Italia S.p.A.; Genertellife S.p.A., obtaining the second highest number of votes, as well as Alessia Bastiani and Luigi Soprano taken from List no. 1 submitted by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, which obtained the majority of votes with 94.453% of the votes.
Appointed as alternate statutory auditors were Lorenzo Chieppa, taken from List no. 1, which obtained the majority of votes, and Piera Vitali, taken from List no. 2, who obtained the second highest number of votes.
The curricula vitae of the persons appointed are available on the Bank’s website in the lists where have been indicated as candidates.
(*) Declared to meet independence requirements established by the law (art. 147-ter and art. 148, comma 3, of the TUF) and by the Self Regulatory Code of Listed Companies.
The remuneration of the Directors, Chairperson of the Board of Directors and of the Statutory Auditors was also decided upon.
Notice is also given that on 18 May 2020 Marco Morelli resigned from his position as General Manager of the Bank, given his unavailability to further continue as General Manager communicated to the market on 20 February 2020. With respect to the termination of said office, no end of mandate /employment relationship indemnities and/or other benefits will be paid. Marco Morelli will cease his executive employment relationship with the Bank on 18 August 2020.
It is further specified that the substitution of the General Manager is ruled by a succession plan adopted by the Bank, with the involvement of the Appointment Committee and the Remuneration Committee of the Bank for the aspects falling under their competences.
Pursuant to para. 2, article 154-bis of the TUF, the Financial Reporting Officer, Nicola Massimo Clarelli, declares that the accounting information contained in this press release correspond to the underlying documentary evidence, books and accounting records.