
Information required by Consob pursuant Art. 114 Par. 5 of D.lgs. n. 58/98

Siena, 31 August 2021 – In compliance with the information required by Consob pursuant to Article 114, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 – the Bank informs that concerning the "structural solution" and the potential capital strengthening, compared to what has been already communicated:

  • UniCredit's due diligence activities are continuing, supported by the dedicated data room, constantly updated, and by discussions in the context of management meetings;
  • MPS has allowed Mediocredito Centrale S.p.A. to access a partition of the data room, with information relating to a selection of bank branches;
  • a data room was also prepared focused on aspects relating to non performing loans and loans classified as Stage 2, which AMCO S.p.A. had access to.


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Last modified: 31/08/2021