Press release
Information required by Consob pursuant art. 114 par. 5 of d.lgs. n. 58/98
Siena, 30 June 2021 – In compliance with the information required by Consob pursuant to Article 114, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 58/98 – the Bank informs that there are no updates concerning the "structural solution" compared to what has been already communicated on 31 May 2021.
With reference to the Capital Plan approved on 28 January 2021 and sent to the European Central Bank (“the Authority”), the Authority has taken note of the communication made by the Bank in the context of the presentation the first quarter results in particular with regards to the fact that the capital shortfall with respect to the Overall Capital Requirement (OCR) is expected to be, as of 31March 2022, less than 1 billion euro, and has requested a detailed timetable for a potential 2.5 billion euro capital increase to be completed before the occurrence of any capital shortfall.
The Bank has sent to the Authority a potential schedule which provides for the issuance of the new shares by March / April 2022, specifying that, at present, any capital increase – currently only hypothetical and the implementation of which is in any case subject to approval by DG Comp and the European Central Bank for the relevant aspects - represents a fall back option compared to thepursuit of the "structural solution".