Press release
Information required by Consob pursuant Art. 114 Par. 5 of D.lgs. n. 58/98
Siena, 30 March 2022 – In compliance with the information required by Consob pursuant to Article 114, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 58/98, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (the “Bank”), referencing also what is reported in the financial statements published on last 21 March 2022, informs that - in compliance with the provisions of the Final SREP Decision received on 2 February 2022 - has sent to the European Central Bank the Capital Plan approved today by the Board of Directors.
The Capital Plan is developed on assumptions consistent with those of the Strategic Plan 22-26, approved by the Bank on 17 December 2021, also with regards to the amount of the underlying capital increase.
Interactions with all the Authorities are ongoing in the context of their respective authorisation processes, regarding which - at the moment - it is not possible to anticipate the timing for completion.