
Siena, 27 December 2024 – The Board of Directors of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (hereinafter, the “Bank”), held today under the chairpersonship of Nicola Maione, has proceeded, by unanimous vote and with the approval of the Board of Statutory Auditors, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2386 of the Italian Civil Code, to appoint by co-optation: Alessandro Caltagirone (non-independent), Elena De Simone (non-independent), Marcella Panucci (independent), Francesca Renzulli (independent) and Barbara Tadolini (independent).

This appointment followed the resignation of five independent Directors indicated in the list presented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (hereinafter, the “MEF”) on 27 March 2023.

The new Directors will remain in office until the next Shareholders' Meeting.

In consideration of the changes that have taken place in the Bank’s shareholding structure, as a result of the gradual reduction of the shareholding held by the MEF, the selection of the new Directors by the Nominations Committee took place following a specific process of interlocution with some of the Bank’s new shareholders. The Nominations Committee, with the support of the Executive Search advisor Spencer Stuart, deemed it appropriate to have the Chairperson of the Board of Directors carry out this activity, in line with the policy of dialogue with the shareholders in the interest of the Bank and through a process that can be endorsed by the shareholders at the next Shareholders’ Meeting to be called to vote on the confirmation of the Directors co-opted today.

The Bank will proceed within the terms established by the law to verify the requirements of the co-opted Directors, in compliance with the applicable regulations.

The Related-Party Transactions Committee was integrated with the inclusion of Directors Paola De Martini (Chairperson) and Renato Sala, who join Alessandra Barzaghi.


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Last modified: 27/12/2024