Press release
Siena, 21 July 2021 – Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena (or the “Foundation”) and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA (or the “Bank”) inform that they have reached today a preliminary agreement regarding out-of-court requests referring, in essence, to the acquisition of Banca Antonveneta by the Bank, the 2011 capital increase and the 2014-2015 capital increases.
As part of the preliminary agreement - defined with the assistance of their respective lawyers and approved by the Administrative Deputation of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena undertakes to submit to the resolution of the next Board of Directors of the Bank, taking place on 5 August 2021, a transaction that closes any litigation in progress.
As a result of the preliminary agreement, the Foundation will obtain, among other things, the payment of 150 million euros and commitments on the enhancement of the Bank's artistic heritage.
The preliminary agreement allows the Bank to reduce compensation claims by an amount of 3.8 billion euros, offering a significant contribution for the solution of the main element of uncertainty affecting the Bank's balance sheet.