The Board of Directors convenes shareholders' meeting on 11 April 2019
The Board of Directors of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has resolved to convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting in Siena, Viale Mazzini, on 11 April 2019 on a single call, at 9:30 am.
The Shareholders' Meeting is called:
- at its Ordinary session, to:
- approve the separate and consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2018, accompanied by the Reports of the Board of Directors, the Independent Auditors and the Board of Statutory Auditors;
- pass a resolution on the Remuneration Report pursuant to Article 123-ter of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 (“Consolidated Law on Finance”), approved today by the Board of Directors;
- pass a resolution on the approval of a plan pursuant to Article 114-bis and Article 125 ter of the Consolidated Law on Finance concerning the use of own shares for the payment of severance to Montepaschi Group personnel, together with the authorisation to dispose of own shares pursuant to Article 2357 and 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code;
- pass a resolution on the subscription of a “Directors & Officers Liability” insurance coverage and subsequent revocation of the "self-insurance" scheme;
- appoint a director and an alternate auditor to replace the director and alternate auditor who terminated their office in 2018;
- appoint the independent auditors for the financial years 2020-2028;
at its Extraordinary session, to:
- approve the amendments to the By-Laws necessary for the purpose of identifying the Bank's “Employer” (“Datore di Lavoro”) pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08 (“Consolidated Act on Health and Safety in the Workplace”) as subsequently amended and supplemented.
The notice convening the Shareholders' Meeting and the documentation relating to the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2018, including the Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure, the Non-financial statement as well as the reports on the other items on the agenda, will be published and made available to the public in the manner and within the terms established by law.
This press release will be available at
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Tel. +39 0577 296634
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Tel: +39 0577 299350