Fitch revises Bmps Rating Watch from Negative to Evolving
Siena, 2 July 2020 – Banca Monte Paschi di Siena (“BMPS” or the “Bank”) announces that, following the annual review of the Bank’s credit profile, Fitch Ratings revised the “rating watch” on BMPS long-term ratings from “negative” to “evolving”.
Moreover the Long-Term Deposit rating was upgraded to “B+” (from “B”) following a change in the rating methodology.
The main ratings on “Rating Watch Evolving” are as follows:
- Long-Term Issuer Default Rating: “B”
- Viability Rating: “b”
- Long-Term Deposit Rating: “B+”
- Long-Term Senior preferred debt: “B”
- Long-Term Subordinated debt: “CCC+”.
The full version of Fitch's press release can be viewed on the rating agency's website (
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