Press Release
Filing of the Guidelines on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors of Banca MPS
Siena, 2 March 2023 – In view of the Shareholders' Meeting of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (hereinafter the “Bank” or "BMPS") scheduled for 20 April 2023, called, inter alia, to resolve on the renewal of the corporate bodies, it is hereby announced that the guidelines approved by the outgoing Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors on the qualitative and quantitative composition deemed optimal for the new Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors of the Bank (hereinafter the "Guidelines") are available to Shareholders at the Bank's registered office in Siena, Piazza Salimbeni no. 3, as well as published on the authorized storage mechanism eMarket STORAGE at and on the Bank's website
The Guidelines identify, in light of the characteristics of the sector in which the Bank operates, the managerial and professional profiles, as well as the skills - taking into account the criteria of diversity, including gender, and the independence requirements of the candidates - considered useful to foster the best proposals for the composition of the new corporate bodies.
Shareholders who intend to submit lists of candidates for the appointment of the new Board of Directors and the new Board of Statutory Auditors of BMPS are therefore invited to take into account the Guidelines approved by the outgoing corporate bodies and made available, as indicated above, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.