Consob approval of the Registration Document, the Securities Note and the Summary Note
Consob approval of the Registration Document, the Securities Note and the Summary Note
Re-admission to trading of the securities issued by BMPS starting from 25 October 2017 the following day after the publication of the Prospectus
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Approval of the results of the third quarter on 7 November 2017
Siena, 24 October 2017 - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (“BMPS” or the ’“Issuer” or the “Bank”) hereby gives notice that today Consob approved the registration document concerning the Issuer (the “Registration Document”), the securities note (the “Securities Note”) and the summary note (the “Summary Note”) concerning the admission to trading on Mercato Telematico Azioniario, organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (“MTA”) of the ordinary shares of the Issuer (the “New Shares”).
More specifically the New Shares have been issued (a) on 1 August 2017, following the application of the burden sharing measures (the “Burden Sharing”) pursuant to Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Law Decree n. 237 of 2016, as converted with amendments by Law 17 February 2017, n. 15, as amended by Law 31 July 2017, n. 121 (the “Decree n. 237”) and pursuant to the relevant Decree of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (the “MEF”) published in the Italian Official Journal on 28 July 2017 (the “Burden Sharing Shares”), and (b) on 3 August 2017, following the share capital increase subscribed by the MEF (the “Share Capital Increase reserved to MEF”) pursuant to Article 18 of the Decree n. 237 and pursuant to the relevant Decree of the MEF published in the Italian Official Journal on 28 July 2017 (the “MEF Shares”).
The Registration Document, the Securities Note and the Summary Note constitute the prospectus for the admission to trading of the New Shares on the MTA (the “Prospectus”). The hardcopy of the Prospectus is available for free upon request at the registered office of the Issuer (in Siena, Piazza Salimbeni n. 3). BMPS shall make the Prospectus available today also on its website
In addition, with resolution n. 20167 of 24 October 2016 Consob withdrew its resolution n.19840 of 23 December 2016 concerning the temporary suspension from trading on regulated markets, multilateral trading facilities and systematic internalisers of the securities issued or guaranteed by Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. and any other security whose underlying assets are securities issued by Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A.. The resolution shall enter into force the business day after the Prospectus is published on BMPS website and therefore the re-admission to trading shall take place on 25 October 2017.
Moreover, following the press releases dated 29 July 2017, 10 August 2017 and 5 October 2016, and pursuant to Article 85-bis of the Issuers’ Regulation, BMPS hereby announces the new structure of its share capital, resulting from the conversion of the temporary ISIN IT0005276768 that took place after the Prospectus concerning the admission to trading of the New Shares was published.
Therefore BMPS’ share capital - for an overall amount equal to EUR 15,692,799,350.97, and which remains unchanged from the share capital announced on 10 August 2017 - as of today is made up of 1,140,290,072 ordinary shares (ISIN IT 0005218752). Please note that the temporary ISIN assigned to the Burden Sharing Shares arising from the conversion of the Upper Tier II securities of the Issuer (ISIN IT0005276776) will be automatically converted into the ISIN of the outstanding ordinary shares of the Bank:
- if the relevant holder transfers the Burden Sharing Shares in a context other than the voluntary public offering for exchange and settlement (except for any transfer following the death of the relevant holder);
- if the relevant holder of the Burden Sharing Shares requests the conversion; and
- in any case, upon the termination of the tender period of the voluntary public offering for exchange and settlement.
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With reference to the financial calendar 2017 published on 19 January 2017 the Bank hereby gives notice that the results of the third quarter 2017 will be approved by the Board of Director on 7 November 2017, instead of 27 October 2017 as previously announced.