Press release
Lists of candidates submitted for the Board of Directors and Board Statutory Auditors of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Siena, 24 April 2020 – Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena announces that the lists of candidates for the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors of the Bank to be elected at the Shareholders' Meeting scheduled on 18 May 2020 have been submitted within the term set out by the Bank’s By-Law and the law and regulations in force.
The following lists have been filed:
List no. 1 submitted by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance (“Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze”):
- candidates for the Board of Directors: Maria Patrizia Grieco, Guido Bastianini, Francesca Bettio, Rita Laura D’Ecclesia, Nicola Maione, Raffaele Di Raimo, Marco Bassilichi, Rosella Castellano, Luca Bader, Francesco Bochicchio, Olga Cuccurullo, Roberto Rao;
- Luigi Soprano, Alessia Bastiani have been nominated to serve as standing auditors;
- Lorenzo Chieppa, Piera Braja, have been nominated to serve as alternate auditor.
List no. 2 submitted by the shareholders Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A.; Eurizon Capital SGR S.p.A. as fund manager of: Eurizon Progetto Italia 20, Eurizon PIR Italia 30, Eurizon Progetto Italia 70, Eurizon PIR Italia Azioni, Eurizon Azioni PMI Italia, Eurizon Progetto Italia 40; Eurizon Capital S.A. as fund manager of: Eurizon Fund comparto Italian Equity Opportunities; Generali Italia S.p.A.; Genertellife S.p.A.:
- candidates for the Board of Directors: Marco Giorgino, Alessandra Giuseppina Barzaghi, Paola De Martini.
- Enrico Ciai has been nominated to serve as standing auditor;
- Piera Vitali has been nominated to serve as alternate auditor.
The Bank reserves the right to evaluate all documents relating to the lists submission. The documents will be made publicly available by 27 April 2020 at the Bank's registered office, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on “eMarket STORAGE” ( and on in the Corporate Governance - Shareholders meetings and BoD section.
The Board of Directors of the Bank, in compliance with article 148, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and article 144-quinquies of Consob Issuers’ Regulation, as recommended by Consob Communication no. DEM/ 9017893 of 26 February 2009, also evaluated that among the shareholders who submitted the so-called "Minority List" for the election of the Board of Directors – identified above as List no. 2 – and the controlling shareholder Ministry of the Economy and Finance (MEF), there are, to the Bank’s knowledge, no relationships to be deemed decisive for the existence of relationship connections under the aforementioned legislation.