BMPS: WRM does not submit offer for IT platform
Banca Mps announces that the company WRM Capital Asset Management S. à r.l. has decided not to submit an offer for the Group's IT platform.
The decision comes at the end of an analysis and evaluation process that began on 9 November 2018, when Banca Mps - while having stated that no strategic decision had yet been taken - informed the market that on the basis of the discussions held with a number of counterparties regarding the assessment of the Bank's IT platform and its management, it had selected WRM, with Oracle and TAS as technological partners, as its sole interlocutor with the purpose of further exploring whether the conditions were in place to enable the parties to continue negotiations and possibly formalise a binding offer.
Banca Mps will continue its strategic assessments of the IT platform and its management, in line with the 2017-2021 Business Plan.
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A.
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